The story of how a secret agent training school established in Canada during World War Two - and the training manual created specifically for it - laid the foundations for modern espionage in North America and gave birth to the...
In a small town where tradition has reigned, adolescents are rounded up and tested in an ultimate deviation.
Photo courtesy of Sempre Films
What kind of jail has no gates and no guards? Fourteen year-old Sophie navigates the rules of her surreal prison of the mind with the help of her new friend Ana. This gorgeously creepy expoloration of self-destruction...
Imagine if, one minute from now, every single person on Earth disappeared. All seven billion of us. What would happen to the world without humans? How long would it be before our...
Image courtesy of Discovery
This is the true story of a woman named Ruth Gruber who travels to Europe to help escort 1000 Jewish War victims to the United States. She comes to love and feel sorry for them all, and fights for their rights to live in America.